Faculty & Staff Awards

The following awards recognize the outstanding achievement of faculty and staff in their teaching, scholarship, and professional impact. Many of these awards have a long history of honoring faculty and staff who have provided a profound impact on K-State Salina, positively affecting the trajectory of the campus over the past years.

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K-State Salina is proud to recognize these individuals for their excellence and dedication.

Rex and Jean McArthur Family Faculty Award

The Rex and Jean McArthur Family Faculty Award honors a distinguished K-State Salina faculty member who demonstrates teaching excellence in the classroom and a commitment to research and innovation, as well as honorable service to the college, university, and community.

2023 Recipient
K-State Salina Student Award

Bill Genereux
Professor of computer systems technology, digital media technology, and web development technology

Genereux is honored for his career in technology education and his tenure since 2004 at K-State Salina. His passion for technology guides his teaching and research endeavors and has impacted decades of students and colleagues.


Marchbanks Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence

The Marchbanks Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence acknowledges a K-State Salina faculty member for their exemplary service to students, commitment in the classroom and overall excellence in teaching. Recipients promote excellence in education with a focus on the development of students’ talents and abilities.

2023 Recipient
K-State Salina Student Award

Neal Bloomquist
Assistant teaching professor of aviation

Bloomquist is recognized for the quality instruction he provides in air carrier operations and crew resource management courses. His 35 years of professional aviation experience provides relevant examples that students gravitate towards in his courses.


Delker Faculty Excellence Award

The Delker Faculty Excellence Award recognizes a K-State Salina faculty member for developing innovative courses and curricula. Recipients demonstrate a passion for improving student learning opportunities and innovation in academics.

2023 Recipient
K-State Salina Student Award

Teresa Hartman
Instructor of mathematics

Hartman is awarded for developing alternative textbook videos to help translate math calculations for her students. The award supports her in upgrading software and equipment needed to produce revised videos.


Kansas State University Salina Professional Staff of the Year

The Kansas State University Salina Professional Staff of the Year award recognizes excellence and outstanding effort by an unclassified professional staff member. Professional Staff of the Year recipients are acknowledged for their exemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State Salina through their commitment to service, productivity, innovation, leadership, and/or belonging.


Kansas State University Salina University Support Staff of the Year

The program provides an employee award and recognition system authorized by K.S.A. 75-37, 105. The program is designed to recognize an employee's contribution to the objectives of Kansas State University through excellence in performance and service.

2023 Recipient
K-State Salina Student Award

David Lundblad
Maintenance and Repair Technician, Facilities

Lundblad has consistently maintained the state car fleet in excellent condition and truly goes above and beyond in maintaining the motor pool vehicles.