The Next-Gen K-State Salina Strategic Plan
Kansas State University Salina's mission is to advance innovation and foster talent development in aerospace and technology.
Kansas State University's campus in Salina has a unique and varied history, starting in 1965 when city leaders dedicated the space to aviation and technology education. The campus proudly stands today as one of the three physical campuses in the Kansas State University system and houses the university’s ninth college.
Our Plan
Looking to the future, we have bold ideas and big goals. The strategic initiatives guiding us to 2030 focus on developing global aerospace and technology leaders prepared to meet tomorrow’s workforce needs. These strategic imperatives are launched now to ensure our progress during a time of rapid change, both here and across the globe. As Kansas State University embraces our identity as a Next-Generation Land-Grant University, we are committed to fulfilling our land-grant mission through our current initiatives and aligning to the needs and bold initiatives of Kansas State University as we make progress on enhancing our communities, our state, and the aerospace industry.
K-State Salina Opportunity Initiatives
As a next-generation land grant university, we are called to advance our communities and industries through the unique expertise and capabilities of K-State Salina. Through innovative education and applied research, K-State Salina supports the university opportunity agenda core area of enabling technologies. Enabling technologies advance us in our work and connect us in new ways. K-State Salina is focused on the following areas of enabling technologies as part of our opportunity initiatives.

K-State Salina is focusing on leveraging immersive technology to seamlessly integrate digital encounters in relation to objects and positions in the physical world. By pairing creative storytelling with artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can build augmented, mixed and virtual reality simulations that enhance interactions and navigation of real-world experiences. An innovation hub at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution, we will reshape the narrative of human progress.

The Salina campus is leading exploration, integration and operation of next-generation drone technologies and air transport systems. Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is focused on the fundamentals necessary for the aerospace sector while also revolutionizing transportation by enabling efficient, on-demand aerial travel and transforming urban and rural connectivity.

Focusing on innovation in areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber-physical systems, K-State Salina is meeting the needs of rapidly advancing technology while enhancing efficiency, precision and safety across various industries. By using signal processing and dynamic systems and controls, autonomous systems can perceive, learn and respond intelligently and address complex challenges. Such systems have the potential to transform air and space transportation, revolutionize manufacturing, and greatly improve the lives of many in society.

K-State Salina pairs high-impact teaching practices with accelerated aviation training, immersive technologies and embedded industry experiences to significantly enhance learning retention. An intentional learning continuum connects curricular and co-curricular activities to highlight real-world implications and support the development of critical professional skills. A variety of on-demand credit and non-credit upskilling opportunities are supported by AR/VR capabilities providing a hands-on experience that transcends a fixed time and location.
Next-Gen K-State Salina Development Process
The Next-Gen K-State Salina strategic plan has been developed over the last several years and with input from a wide variety of stakeholders. Phase one, the Global Aeronautics Initiative, was a task force charged by President Richard Myers in 2019 to assess and validate global market opportunities that align with the university and community’s capabilities to position both as global leaders in aerospace and technology. Input from industry partners, alumni, and community partners and comparisons to peer and aspirational institutions solidified K-State Salina’s focus as uniquely serving all aspects of the aerospace and technology industries. In 2021, in support of a mission to serve all aspects of the aerospace and technology industries, the campus entered a strategic planning process to establish goals aligned with the campus’s strengths. Every faculty and staff member employed at K-State Salina was invited to a planning session and was able to review and give feedback on the plan. In 2022, through a legislative request, the Salina campus was able to further evolve our future goals, incorporating strategic industry and legislative partners’ input while aligning to the Kansas Framework for Growth. With the launch of Next-Gen K-State, the Salina campus is proud to provide the final iteration of this strategic plan in line with university priorities and tailored to the campus’s unique assets.