Redbird Flight Training Devices Information

The Redbird simulator is a flight training device that allows students to accumulate flight time in an economical way. The Redbird simulator allows students to train in any environment, such as mountains, inclement weather, various airfields/airports, etc. The simulator allows students to focus their attention to in-flight training, with no pre-flight checks and no waiting for other aircraft to taxi. Students and instructors are also able to pause the simulator mid-flight to have a conversation or teaching moment, allowing students to learn in the moment. When using the Redbird simulator, students can train on various types of aircraft. K-State trains on the Skyhawk 172, both G1000/glass cockpit and steam gauge; Bonanza G36 and Baron. Using the Redbird simulator allows students to practice for emergencies such as electrical failure, engine failure, gear failure and more. Students are also able to practice navigating with instruments prior to flying in aircraft.



Component Description
Exterior shell Aluminum cockpit enclosure.
Primary flight control Dual Control Loading yoke system.
Rudder pedals Dual rudder pedals with differential brakes.
Throttle quadrant Controls for throttle, propeller, and mixture as appropriate to aircraft being simulated. Interchangeable depending on aircraft configuration.
Avionics panel Controls for flight instruments, GPS(s), radio(s) and autopilot as appropriate to aircraft being simulated. Interchangeable depending on aircraft configuration.
Dimensions Redbird dimensions

*Specifications courtesy of Redbird flight website.