Crisis Assistance

The Division of Academic Success and Student Affairs coordinates resources and mobilizes services to respond to the needs of students in crisis. Assistance is given to students to help accurately assess their situation, provide information and teach the skills students need to navigate crises. Additionally, a number of services are provided to students to assist with medical and personal emergencies and in the event of hospitalization.

Contact Student Life with all student-related concerns at 785-488-8821.

For additional resources, visit our Here to Help site.

Concerned about a student?

Report concerns through the Student of Concern form.

Submit a Student of Concern form


Suicide prevention

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-8255.

Read guidelines for dealing with potential suicide.

Rape and sexual assault

The Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) provides confidential, free and voluntary services and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual harrassment. Reach out at 785-532-6444 or

The Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK) has staff members that work with students, offices and agencies on and off campus that can help students with law enforcement, legal, medical and academic concerns. Call the 24-hour hotline at 800-874-1499.

Harrassment or discrimination

Students who believe they have been treated unfairly due to being a member of a protected class are encouraged to seek recourse and assistance available through the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX, 785-532-6220. This office facilitates equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in employment and educational activities by:

  • Providing prompt resolution of complaints;
  • Administering an affirmative action program that complies with federal requirements;
  • Developing and delivering affirmative action/equal employment opportunity (AA/EEO) educational programs;
  • Monitoring the recruitment and selection process;
  • Recommending and implementing AA/EEO policies and procedures;
  • Advising employees, staff and administration in AA/EEO issues; and
  • Coordinating requests for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

International Student and Scholar Services, 785-532-6448, can also provide support and advice to students involved in harassment or discrimination situations.

CIRT: Critical Incident Response Team

The Kansas State University Salina Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) assesses and coordinates the response to significant campus situations and events on the Salina Campus. The CIRT assists the community and its members to return to a more normal state of functioning after a critical incident and suggests future preventative measures.

Critical events may include:

  • Student death or significant trauma
  • Serious student situations involving medical or psychological concerns
  • Campus threats or emergencies that directly affect the well-being of students and the campus community

Issues of inappropriate student conduct are referred to the Office of Academic and Student Services and the Student Judicial Program.


Contact Us

Division of Academic Success and Student Affairs
785-488-8821 (24 hour line)
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST or 24 hour line above