Student Access
What do you need to be successful at K-State Salina Aerospace and Technology?
A student with a disability is any student who has an impairment that substantially limits a major activity such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, hearing, speaking, breathing, walking, seeing, learning or working.
- Have you ever had, or do you currently have an IEP or a 504 Plan?
- What happens if you have an injury (or a temporary issue) that makes it difficult for you in the classroom or on campus?
- Is there an issue, with which you are struggling, that makes it difficult for you to succeed in the classroom or online?
- Do you have physical or emotional challenges that need to be addressed to assist you with access to campus, classrooms (both physical and online), labs, or Residence Halls?
- Are you curious about the process for securing an accommodation?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, visit our Student Success Coordinator to discuss options available for K-State Salina to help you be successful!
Registration with the K-State Student Access Center is an easy process, and the first step in the accommodation process!
Julie Rowe
Student Success Coordinator
Center for Academic Excellence, Rm. 113
Technology Center