Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology Associate and Bachelor's Degree
Our program emphasizes both the theory and application of electronic circuits, instrumentation and computing systems.
You learn in a hands-on environment about circuit theory, semiconductor applications, digital systems, microprocessor programming and interfacing for an extensive career within electronic products and systems.
96% Program placement rate
Hands-on learning from day one
$58K Program average starting salary
Why our program?
Electronic and computer engineering technology gives you the tools to go into any field and any career and leave your mark. From circuit theory to radio frequency communication to microprocessors and more, you'll learn it all at the Aerospace and Technology Campus. Your projects are innovative, working with hardware like the raspberry pi, a small low-cost computer, to collect sensor data and control lights, motors, and more. The skills you'll develop in your labs are transferrable to endless areas: build music visualizers, semi-autonomous robots, battery monitoring systems for unmanned aircraft – your possibilities are limitless!
Electrical engineers need to be able to think outside the box and work across various workgroups and specialty areas. You need to be able to design, build, test, troubleshoot and implement projects and technologies. At the Aerospace and Technology Campus, you'll learn the foundations for these skills, and you'll continue to expand these skills through your lab work and projects. You'll also work together with other engineering students to produce a project you've designed – further developing collaborative skills highly desired by industry.
Labs paired with each core course ensure you are learning electrical engineering material in our innovative, hands-on style. You'll create your own circuit boards and power systems, and program your own processor to develop a fully functioning computer hardware system.
Your projects focus on utilizing up-to-date tools and systems to develop and build things with real-world applications such as weather stations, data sensors, guidance systems and more.
Electronic and computer engineering technology equips you with the skills needed to design, build, test, troubleshoot and implement projects and technologies. Being a small, tight-knit campus, you also have the ability to work with other engineering technology students to produce the project you conceptualized and designed.
The Great Plains Manufacturing Scholars Program is for students who want to earn a bachelor's degree in one of K-State Salina’s engineering technology programs and acquire first-hand knowledge of specialized industry technology by working part-time at Salina-based Great Plains Manufacturing. This provides high-level learning opportunities in advanced manufacturing, basic manufacturing, advanced robotics programming and engineering design.
Sutdents can earn a scholarship covering 85% or more of the in-state tuition rate in this program. Learn more.
Program Details
Each of your classes has a lab, ensuring you are learning electrical engineering material in our innovative and hands-on style. You'll create your own circuit boards and power systems, and program your own processor to develop a fully functioning digital system. You'll also gain practical hands-on experience in circuit analysis, digital electronics, microprocessor programming and interfacing, computer programming, and radio frequency communication circuits and systems.
Our professional advisors are there every step of the way to guide you through your educational journey.
K-State Salina's bachelor's degree in engineering technology--electronic and computer engineering technology option is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.
Our esteemed faculty is made up of individuals who have real-world industry experience and a wealth of research expertise to help you learn the most essential skills and information.